What Happened to Early Bird?

Unfortunately we’ve made the decision to cancel the Early Bird offering this year. This was an extremely tough decision and one that we have been deliberating over since September last year.
Even though EB only accounted for 21% of our orders, the reason to remove EB is largely due to its popularity last year.
The issues we faced with Early Bird:
  • We received so many orders our production lead times blew out to 6-12 weeks, so we would have to limit orders in 2023.
  • The price changes we made last year to cover the increase in all our supplier costs were canceled out.
  • It was difficult to maintain our high standard of customer service
  • During the middle of the year, there is a shortage of students and backpackers, who we rely to help with our seasonal production at the end of the year
  • Increased stress and longer working hours for staff, which caused a lot of errors
With the above issues with Early Bird, we had to make a change and our options were:
Option 1 – Keep Early Bird & make 3 big changes
Option 2 – Cancel Early Bird
Χ Reduce the EB discount to only $0.50
Hold our 2022 standard prices until 31st August 2023. 
Χ  Increase all other standard prices by $0.50
Absorb the majority of price increases from all our suppliers.  However, it is likely our prices will increase $0.15-$0.50 per product from the 1st September.
Χ Limit EB orders to a few bookings each week using a reservation system, similar to a restaurant booking system.
Provide exceptional customer service and faster production with better staffing levels
Χ Even if you prepared your order early, there would be no guarantee you would be in the first few to book, and would need to wait and try your luck again when bookings open the following week.
Continue investing our resources on improving the website and other tools to make life easier for organisers
Χ Significant time and investment in an online booking system that may or may not work.
Less stress for staff, resulting in less errors and better performance.
We understand that communities throughout NZ will be facing financial uncertainty this year and we want to make sure we are able to provide great value, continue to provide high quality products and outstanding service.
We know this will be disappointing for some and I can assure you that this is not a decision we have made lightly.