Sticker Guide

Key takeaways

  • Please do not hand the stickers to the teachers with their art paper.
  • Do not apply these stickers until you have your completed Room Checklists. Applying them too soon will cause issues for your order.
  • Accurate placement on the art paper is critical.  
  • Once each sticker is applied, please check the student off on their Room Checklist.

Not using our art paper?

  • We strongly encourage you to use our art paper. If not, we strongly recommend that the art is glued to our art paper so that you can follow our system.
  • If you must use your own paper please apply the sticker to the reverse of the paper.
  • This ensures that the sticker does not influence how we can crop the picture.
Art Paper placement

History of stickers - it's a love / hate thing!

A few people complain about needing to do the stickers… and we do understand. But compared to how it used to be, it’s a much easier option now!

Not only were all orders recorded manually, organisers had to hand write the quantities of each product into a table on the art paper.  Then everything would need to be double checked which wasted more time.

When we received the order we had to enter both sets of data separately and cross-check to make sure everything matched. If there were any discrepancies, we’d need to call you to talk through them all to make sure each student had the correct quantities.  This could waste days, and there were still significantly more products incorrectly produced.  Scanning would take significantly longer and overall delivery times were 1-2 weeks longer.  In the long term, we suspect technology will somehow make stickers unrequired, but for now, they have eliminated hours of work at your end and allowed for orders to be sent out to you faster and more accurately!  It’s a love hate thing for us too… but it’s the best solution to date!