Reminders & Notices

  • Book 2-3 newsletter notices before and during the period parents are purchasing products.
    • At least one notice in your newsletter before the Parent Order Forms are taken home.
    • At least one notice in the newsletter while the Parent Order Forms are out.
  • School app notifications – this may be the most effective reminder method. It is especially powerful over the last couple of days to encourage parents to return their orders.
  • Email is a very effective form of communication.
  • Social media e.g. Facebook, is not a great medium as they have tricky tools that mean your posts are only displayed to some of your followers, which means many will not see it when you want.

Example reminders

Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats & Sketch Pads – A School Fundraiser

Your child’s art can be made into affordable Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats and Sketch Pads. These make unique Christmas gifts for family and friends and are perfect for posting overseas. Look out for further details  and order forms later in the term.

Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats & Sketch Pads – A School Fundraiser
Due Date extended to (insert date here)
Thank you to all the families who have placed their orders for Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats and Sketch Pads. The last day for ordering has been extended until (insert date here). Make sure you get your order in. You can view your child’s fantastic artwork in their classroom. Additional order forms are available in the office. These make outstanding individual gifts for friends and family and are perfect for   posting overseas.

If you are running a Repeat Order:

Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats & Sketch Pads – A School Fundraiser
Thank you so much for all of your Calendar Art orders! The response was excellent and the feedback has been great. We’ve been getting a lot of requests for extra items and from people that were away during the initial order taking process. Rather than deal with them individually, we are running one more short order taking period to consolidate all of these requests.

Orders close (insert date here) —there will be no extensions

If you have any that you’ve found have worked really well, please share them so we can let other schools know 🙂