How to really get the families engaged with calendar art...

- Information for teachers -

We surveyed some of our best performing schools and noticed they were selling 3-5 items per student. We expected these amazing results would relate to the socio-economics of the area, however some decile 2 schools got more efficient results than decile 9 & 10 schools. The most consistent factor was how they personalised the communications, they did not seem to promote any more than others.

When I saw this pattern, it made so much sense, by the time my youngest was about year 6 and my eldest was in college, I had stopped reading the school newsletters & emails.  Between school and sports, there were just so many communications, but to this day, I still pay close attention to two things: app notifications, and emails from my daughter’s teachers.

This is the main thing these schools did: more personalised emails.  We’ve tried to organise a simple system that duplicates these results…

1. Decide on your art plan.

Great art always gets the best result – but that doesn’t mean it needs to take days to create!

  1. Select your art plan.  We have dozens of art videos as well as ideas that can be completed very quickly
  2. Get familiar with the common causes of issues… avoid things that can cause reproduction issues

2. Answer 3 short questions

The organiser will use these as the basis of the email content that is sent to families.

  1. What is the inspiration for the art your class has done?
  2. What aspect of the curriculum does this relate to?
  3. Please make any comments that you might like the families to know about, perhaps commenting on what they enjoyed or found interesting.

3. Photos of your students

Adding pictures of the art, your students doing the art, or both, to the email will engage families more.  These are only going to be sent to the families of your class from the school. Kids Art Works will not be sending or using these pictures for any purpose.  Here are some examples we found online…