Planning the Open & Close dates of your Order

What is the date you would like the website to open for parents to place their orders?

  • We recommend orders are open for 7-14 days.
  • If you are planning to close orders on a Friday, we would recommend orders close at the end of the weekend (i.e. Monday morning 9 am), as we are not producing orders on a Saturday or Sunday. The parents have a couple of extra days to purchase and this won’t affect lead times.
  • Repeat order planning: on the day your main order closes we recommend setting a repeat order to open, even if it’s not advertised to families.   This can be promoted to parents when you hand out their purchases i.e. it could be open for 4-6 weeks to catch all the late orders, so that parents can make their late purchases without bothering you.
  • Thinking of having your order open over the school holidays? We’ve found that the number of purchases made during this time is extremely low.  Our impression is that during the holidays families “switch off” from thinking about school.  Based on this, we would recommend that if you do run your order over the holidays, do not count those days as days that your order is open.  You will need to promote it well before term finishes, and again once the new term starts.