To get the best results from the students’, we want the teachers to all have access to the same information and steps.  

We’ve created to hopefully help this process along.

In italics we’ve drafted an email you can copy & paste (or use as a starting point), to invite the teachers to the website.

It’s a work in progress, so if you do have any ideas on how to improve it, we’d love to hear.

It’s calendar art time again.  

It is a very popular event with the families and especially helpful at times like these as the products make such meaningful, cost-effective gifts at Christmas.

Soon we will be passing out the art paper so you can get underway with the students.

We would like for you to spend a short amount of time familiarising yourself with the 3 steps at 

There is a brief introduction to the process, dozens of art ideas (and more are being added all the time), and then a list of common issues (risks) that can cause reproduction issues.

Even if you have your art plan in place, we still recommend you quickly go through the introduction and risks sections.

We would like to have the art returned by [insert date here].

If you have any questions please contact [name & contact details here].

Thank you again for your efforts with the students for this event.