5. Viewing and managing purchases

There are 4 parts to this article:

  • Overview – a summary of the difference between purchases by Room and by Parent.
  • Purchases by Room details
  • How to add a purchase manually
  • Purchases by Parent details

The difference between purchases by Room and by Parent.


  • Mary (a parent) has 2 children, one in room 2 and another in room 3.
  • She added a calendar for each child to her shopping cart.
  • She paid for them both with one credit card transaction.

Purchases by room

  • This is a list of what has been purchased for each student in that room. You will see each room automatically pre-populated with details of successful purchases
  • In the example above, we will see Room 2 with one calendar paid for by Mary’s child, and in Room 3 we will see the other child’s calendar.

Purchases by parent

  • This is where you can see the payment made for each shopping cart.
  • In Mary’s example, we will see one transaction and the details of each item purchased.
  • This is helpful when a parent has a query on a purchase that includes 5 items and you do not want to search through each separate room.

Purchases by room

How to view a room

  • Select the Purchases by Room tab
  • Select the room from the drop down list on the left hand side.

Adding a purchase manually

1. Open the room you want to add the purchase to

2. Click on Add Purchase

3. As you type the student’s name, the field will prepopulate using the School List we have uploaded. So please select the name that the website provides.

4. Enter the quantities of each product type.

5. Picture Type is either Art or Upload.

6. Click ‘tick’ to save the row.

7. You can click ‘X’ to delete the row. (Rows that were added automatically when a parent ordered online cannot be deleted)

Purchases by Parent details

This is organised by the date the purchase is paid and shows all purchases – even those where a parent stops their order before paying.

To view an order, click on the row. Here you can see the details of the order and the parent’s contact information in case you need to speak to them about something.

Once the row has been expanded using the arrow there are two tabs for you to use, the items are shown in Orders and the purchasers contact details in Contact Information.